Sunday, July 25, 2010


Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

This dish suffers the same fate as Rojak India, Mee Goreng India, Rojak Bandung, Mee Bandung and most other named-by-coutries food. 
If you go to Pulau Bawean, I am darn sure you won't find Roti Boyan there. 
The few times we were there, Arwah Nenek tried to explain how it is made and it produces disastrous results. LOL!
I guess this food is another Uniquly Singapore food. 

Ini merupakan satu makanan yang boleh dimakan pada bila-bila waktu.
Great for breakfast, perfect for tea time and fabulous as a snack. (dah macam!)
Been eating this for as long as I remember but of course 
just like other dishes, I always have my favourite 'maker'.

Arwah Nenek have never done this before because to her it is troublesome.
And she said, why make when the best ones are just a bus or taxi ride away to Bukit Gombak
Yes, Bukit Gombak, at Habib's restaurant, and only open during the first half of the day.

Roti Boyan Mak Leha. 
Mak Leha (not sure whether she is still around)
is from Kampung Race Course just like Arwah Nenek.
And her Roti Boyan is superb. 
The outer layer is just right, thin and soft.
The fillings are tasty.
The die for.
Currently, the business is run by her daughters.

Then again, nothing beats making your own.
That way, you can determine how big or how small your Roti Boyan will be and
how much fillings you want it to be.
Anyway, here is my attempt in doing Roti Boyan
Turns out ok for a first timer. hehehe.
The only flaw is my sambal
I did not fry the ikan bilis.
Instead I washed it and it went straight to the sambal (BIG NO-NO)
thus my sambal turns out watery.
If only there is still some Sambal Tumis Udang left which I did on Friday...purrrfect! 

Had a whale of a time folding the Roti Boyan.
But after a few tries, WALLA!!!!!

Recipe is courtesy of dear Kak Yana (click name)


500gram tepung gandum
5-6 sudu besar minyak masak yang panas (MESTI PANAS)
1 telur
Secawan Air
Sedikit garam 
6 biji kentang - kupas kulit, rebus dan dilenyek lumat.Pastikan kentang betul2 empuk agar senang dillenyek lumat nanti. Ala-ala mashed potato.
2 bawang besar - di hiris halus/dadu (terpulang ye nak bawang nye macam mana)
2 cili hijau - di hiris halus
2 cili merah - di hiris halus
6 biji telur
1 sudu kecil garam
2 sudu kecil lada sula
1 1/2 sudu teh serbuk pati ayam KNORR (kita ikut macam Kak Yana, pakai cube KNORR. 3 biji, direndam air panas lalu dicampur pada adunan)
daun bawang dihiris (kita tak pakai)

gambar di-upload tidak mengikut scale ye. Ada bahan yang takde...

Mulakan dengan Bismillahhirohmannirahim (penting bagi first timer macam kita. hehehe)
Di dalam bekas (agak2 boleh muat adunan tepung tu ye) masukkan tepung dan ditengah2 nya dibuat satu lowongan (make a well in the middle). Masukkan minyak yang panas tu ditengah2 dan gaul sehingga adunan kelihatan macam serbuk roti (crumbs). Masukkan air dan telur. Kemudian kalau ikut cara kita, kita masukkan adunan ke dalam mixer dan kita gaul pakai mixer. Gaul sehingga adunan kelihatan seperti doh. Rehatkan doh seketika.(*tiada gambar disediakan kerana kita tak confident petik gambar sambil buat doh.)

Campur semua bahan dan gaul rata. Jikalau adunannya rasa tawar, (macam kita punya) kita adjust dengan sesudu perencah PASTI SEDAP MAGGI. Masing-masing punya selera. Adjust apa yang patut.

Now comes the most leceh part......putting them together.

Ambil doh sebesar pergelangan tangan (wrist) or suka hati awaklah ye....

Roll doh tersebut. Pastikan doh yang di roll tu tipis. Tu pun kalau awak semua suka tipis. Kalau suka kulit tebal, pandai2 agak lah ye...

*TIPS: pastikan tangan dan alat meng-roll betul2 kering agar doh senang di-roll dan tidak melekat. Nak lagi senang, taburkan sedikit tepung gandum di permukaan tempat yang di-roll dan alat roll tersebut (NOW SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS THE THING USED TO ROLL CALLED! hehehe)

Ambil se-senduk adunan dan letak di tengah2 doh. Jangan banyak sangat, nanti nak lipat doh susah. Tersendat Roti Boyan nye nanti....

Kita tak pasti macam mana nak explain...err....lipat atas bawah dan kiri kanan...hahaha....tengok gambar...faham ekh faham ekh? hahaha. Anyway sapukan telur kuning pada hujung-hujung doh agar bila da lipat, doh melekat.

Panaskan minyak sederhana banyak dan goreng. Bila bawah dah warna kekuningan, terbalikkan dan goreng the other side

Hidangkan dengan penuh kasih dan sayang.

Roti Boyan ni afdhal dimakan dengan Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis.
And talking of which, Kak Yana...
how did you make your sambal to be like in the picture in your blog???
I prefer the dip for Roti Boyan to be like that. 
A bit blackish instead of the normal fiery red sambal tumis
Ada secret ingredient ekh??!! Rabak tak share...hehehehe. *winks*

Anyway, verdict for my Roti Boyan,
done by Dzuhur, gone by Asar.

(rumah ni actually yang tinggal bukan orang tapi piranhas...hahahaha.)


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