Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well well well....
This gonna take long. 
So if you are not interested to read, dipersilakan click the X button.
But if you feel that you are in the middle of the whole fiasco, do carry on reading.

 Whatever I gonna say, I gonna say it once and no more.
I will not talk about this in the future anymore.

First on the list, my job.
I would like to thank a dear freind of mine for recommending me a position in her company.
Really a million thanks to you for trusting and having faith in me.
I must say it was really a good opportunity for me to start a new and afresh.
And while I was there, I recommended a dear sister of mine a position there too.

Everything was perfect.
Or so I thought.
Dipendekkan cerita, I was on the WANTED list by the Police. 
Due to a past of mine, which nothing I do now can rectify it furthur.

You guys can say that I gave up before the war even started.
I decided to not continue going to work because I don't see the point of doing so.
Why waste my time when I knew I would be asked to leave or my confirmation be affected.
Although I did not declare but the company would definitely know about it.
So why bother?

My fault in this matter was, I lied to my sister whom I recommended the job to.
She like many others wants to see me change.
That I appreciate a lot.
But everytime she asked whether I am coming to work, I lied.
She got so pissed with me that she sent me an SMS saying that
'...perhaps, I'm not fit to be your sister that's why u have no feelings about lying to me over n over again...'

Just so you know, I was really taken aback when SMSed me sasking me to forget that we were once closed.
That you were a sister I once had.
You asked me to just treat you as my best buddy's wife.

It wasn't my intention's Kak to lie to you.
Well, nothing I say can convince you furthur anyway.
I wish you all the best in the company.

And to you babe who recommend me the job, 
I'm really sorry that I gave up even before the war started.
Seriously I dun see the point in me waging a lost war.
It's better for me to just find another one.
My sincerest apologies if it affect your current position one way or another.

And that's it regd my job. 
 I'm being reasonable enough talking about it here coz initially I don't see the point sharing it with others.
coz I don't owe anyone any explanation except for these 2 people.

Now.......untuk drama seterusnya.....

My intention was merely to remind your ex of his promise.
Bukan niat aku untuk melaga2 korang berdua.
Apalah yang aku dapat kalau korg dua bergaduh.
Habiskan prepaid aku ada lah melayan korg2 ni semua.
But it did not cross my mind tt it will be blown out of proportions till such extent.
It wasn't my intention to sebarkan fitnah segala.
It was a message relayed but wrongly interpreted.
Whatever it is, I apologise if it cause furthur bad blood among the two of you.
Senang kata, I won't get myself involve in matters pertaining to the two of you anymore.

Dan ini khas untuk para penonton.....
Kalau nak tahu, silalah tanya dengan orang2 yg betul.
Jangan sembarang buat andaian dan akhirnya menjadi tuduhan2 yang tak berasas.

Satu lagi....kalau sekadar nak melaga2kan orang, bukankah awak pun termaktub dalam kategori munafik?
Malah dalam lingkungan orang2 YAHUDI?
MUNAFIK is such a strong word which I did not want to use but I'm just throwing it back to your face.

Kalau takde kata2 perangsang atau nasihat, DIAM adalah yang paling baik sekali.


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Assalammualaikum Wr Wb

Alhamdulillah, kuih-kuih yang telah anda tempah melalui saya sudah siap.
Anda akan dihubungi untuk mengaturkan cara pengambilan.
Harap maklum.


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Assalammualaikum Wr Wb...

Arwah Nenek pernah cakap,

"Orang Boyan kalau tak tau makan Kuah Celok lebih baik jangan jadi Orang Boyan..."

Kuah Celok to the Boyanese people,
is like Tempe to the Javanese,
Pasta to the Italians,
Sushi to the Japanese,
Tandoori to the Indians,
and bla bla bla bla....



kacang panjang secukupnya
2 biji buah keras - dikisar
1 1/2 inci kunyit hidup - dikisar
2 biji bawang besar - dikisar
1 inci belachan - dikisar
1 1/2halia - dikisar
sedikit cili kering - dikisar
2 keping asam keping/gelugor
garam dan perasa secukupnya

Tumis bahan-bahan kisar. Masukkan air secukupnya (kita pakai 2 blender penuh). Masukkana asam keping. Bila mendidih, masukkan kacang panjang. Perasa dengan garam dan serbuk perasa. Biarkan mendidih Hidangkan bersama nasi panas dan sambal belachan....Fuhh......Jatuh boiii!!!!!!!

Hidangkan dengan penuh kasih dan sayang.

This was what my Arwah Nenek fed me ever since the first time I could eat rice.
Orang kata lauk ni versi Melayu adalah Lauk Asam Rebus.
Entah lah....agaknya kot....


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Assalammualaikum Wr Wb...

Nampak gayanya, kita ada satu lagi Al-Blog untuk kita khatam kan resepi2nya.


Kita came across Mama Hawa punya blog masa kita tengah geladah blog Kak Ayu.
Dua2 akak ni saling berkongsi resepi.
Bestfriend agaknya dorang dua ni.
Blog Mama Hawa ni nampaknya menepati citarasa kita jugak.

Apa2 pun kita cuba lah satu resepi dari Mama Hawa.
Ayam Masak Merah Madu.
Alhamdulillah menjadi.
Kata orang Indon, MANTEP!!!

Cuma katanya masak merah, tapi kita punya tak merah pun....kenapa ekh Mama?
Mintak halal ye Mama taruk resepi pat sini.

Resepi Dari:

1/2 ekor ayam - potong, cuci bersih lalu digoreng lembap bersama sedikit garam dan serbuk kunyit
2 sudu besar cili mesin (kita pakai cili kering, dikisar)
3 labu bawang besar - dikisar
3 ulas bawang putih - dikisar
1/2 in halia - dikisar
3 sudu besar madu 
air asam jawa/tomato sos 
1 sudu besar kicap manis 
1 labu bawang besar - dipotong bulat
garam secukup rasa
air secukupnya 


Tumis cili giling / cili kering kisar hingga garing

Masukkan bahan kisar dan tumis lagi hingga garing. Kemudian masukkan 1/2 gelas air dan garam secukup rasa. Tunggu hingga pecah minyak.

Masukkan kicap dan satu lagi cawan air.

Bila dah mendidih, masukkan pula perahan air asam jawa. Kacau sebati dan didih sampai pekat. Api biar sederhana. Jangan kuat2 pasal resepi ni pakai bawang, takut tak 'masak' rempahnya.

Bila kuah dah pekat masukkan madu. Gaul sebati Cik Kiah oi...

Masukkan ayam, gaul rata kemudian hirisan bawang. Masak hingga kuah tambah pekat dan bawang layu.

Hidangkan dengan penuh kasih dan sayang.

Seperti biasa kita derhaka. 
Part sebelum masukkan madu, kita masukkan satu sudu rencah Maggi Cukup Rasa. 
Saja je nak tambahkan rasa meaty nya...

Terima Kasih Mama!
Akan masuk buka lauk2-akan-buat-lagi.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Assalammualaikum Wr Wb...


Sungguh tak kena ucapan ni dengan tajuk entry ni.
Tapi bukankkah ini satu keukhwahan?
Yang tulis orang Singapore, masak lauk Indonesia
lepas tu beri ucapan pada rakyat Malaysia.
Class kan!!!

Maaflah sangat2 kerana kita begitu sibuk hujung minggu yang lepas.
Semalam pulak memang tak kuasa nak buat apa2.
Sibuk dengan apa?
Sibuk dengan projek2 kita Cik Kiah oi....

Sabtu dan Ahad, ni jelah mampu kita buat....

Itu semua adalah tempahan yang orang2 buat melalui kita.
Terima kasih lah pada semua yang sudi tempah kuih tart ni dan juga di atas kepercayaan anda.
Kalau sedap, tahun depan order lagi ye!!!
Mestilah sedap pasal dah test try lepas tu order kan!
Heheheh..iskh! takbur takbur....hiyakdush!!!! (pada diri sendiri)

K k....dah jauh dah melalut...
Sabtu lepas kita buat Ayam Masak Palembang.
Itu jelah masanya kita buka stove.
Ahad dan semalam, Bazaar Ramadan Jurong jawabnya. 

Resepi ini pun dapat dari, biasa jugak, tak lain tak bukan, Kak Ayu.
Maaflah tak de gambar bahan dan cara2 langsung.
Pasal kita dah kelam kabut buat lauk ni.
Ada story sikit.

Mula2 ingatkan tak jadi lauk ni.
Masa kita taruk santan, terus pucat jadinya.
Kita ingatkan salah, pasal Kak Ayu cakap taruk 2 cawan santan.
Kak Ayu tak cakap santan cair ke pekat.
Kita pun taruk je santan pekat.
Tetiba je jadi pucat.
Berkat pengalaman yang tak seberapa ni, kita decided to wait.
Dalam 5 minit gitu, baru warnanya jadi kemerahan.
Nasib baik, kalau tak...telefon dah standby da nak call KFC!

Kak Ayu punya digoreng kemudian kuahnya disira di atas.
Kita punya goreng jugak lepas tu humban terus dalam kuahnya.

Resepi dari:

Mintak izin Kak Ayu post resepi pat sini....

1 ekor ayam - dipotong kecil kemudian digoreng (kita biasa jugak pakai ayam kepak)
5 biji bawang besar dipotong bulat
200g bawang kecil dibuat bawang goreng - kita pakai bawang goreng dah siap.

Bahan2 Kisar:
15 biji bawang merah kecil
3 biji bawang putih
2 sudu teh ketumbar
1 sudu teh jintan manis
1 sudu teh jintan halus
20 biji cili kering
1 cm lengkuas
2 batang serai

Bahan2 tumis:
5 kuntum bunga cengkeh
3 biji buah pelaga
2cm kulit kayu manis
1 biji kelapa- diambil 2 cawan santan
2 keping asam gelugur/asam keping
11/2 sudu teh garam
1 sudu teh gula
3 sudu makan minyak untuk menumis

Ayam dibersihkan, dipotong kecil, dibubuh garam dan kunyit. Kemudian digoreng dan diketepikan. Panaskan 3 sudu besar minyak, kemudian tumis bunga cengkeh, buah pelaga dan kulit kayu manis. Kemudian masukkan bahan2 giling dan tumis hingga garing. Masukkan santan, garam, gula dan asam gelugur. Biarkan santannya mendidih dan pekat sedikit, baru masukkan ayam dan bawang besar potong bulat, gaul rata dan biarkan mendidih lagi. Bila menghidangkan taburkan bawang goreng diatasnya.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I admit that I am full of flaws.
I admit that it was you, who despite of your young age, guided me back on track.
It was because of you that I came back to my family and my friends.
It was you who were there listening to me as I pour out my thoughts and feelings.
It was you whom I leaned my head on as I cried thinking of the pathetic state I was in.
It was with you that I spent my lonely days with.
And for all that, I thank you.

I admit that I fell for you because of your maturity.
I felt safe and secured having you by my side.
But we've made it clear that it was impossible for both of us.
We came to a conclusion that as and when I needed you, 
you will be there for me and my whole trunk of emotional baggage.

And because of that too, I believe, you think that I owe you big time.
You felt superior to me.
"...Aku baru 19 tahun tapi kau, 27 tahun, dengar cakap aku..." may be what you were thinking.
You felt that I was at your beck and call.
For the record, I purposely lowered myself to that extent.

Never did I realise how much of a hypocrite you were until now.
I was warned but I unheaded the advice.
Perhaps it was my bad fortune everytime to go through every shit once before learning my mistake.

You claimed not to be like your friend whom we both knew.
In fact, you were worst.
Luckily, fate has it that you only had the few chances you had, to scrap me off my money.

You've brainwashed me, and others too, regarding you ex.
I pity your ex becuase your ex has to put up will all the shit.
You've succeeded in making people hate your ex.
My heart goes to you, EX.
But your ex is one strong person who pushed everything aside and moved on.
While you did not.

I met your ex and we told each other what needed to be told.
It all started because I wanted to know how you were doing.
Although I was angry with you months back because of your reply when I looked you up,
I still care.
I ended up being more furious.

I remember warning and telling you regarding certain things.
You obviously did not listen.
I questioned myself why.
Looking back, you did the same to me and I believe you did the same to whoever it may concern.
WHOM happened to be my arch-enemy.
How much more remarkable can things be...

if you think that I am inferior as compared to you,
you are very wrong dear.
And I don't need to prove it to you.
Time will tell.

You've got nothing.
You are just a shadow of everything and everyone else. 

However, beneath all that, I miss you.
 And I do want to carry on befriending you.
Possible or not, I leave it to Allah Almighty.

What really pissed me off right now is that, I can't believe you would stoop so low
just for a watch and jacket.
If I continue typing any longer, I will just burst and names will appear.
Forget it.